Monday, August 25, 2014

Session with Magi

I have been annoyed.  One of the things that happened yesterday was that 2 women who were supposed to be on the call couldn't make it so I started making up stories.

One was on the road the other's phone died.
About the one who was on the road, I had a fundamental mistrust about her I realized.
She has a tendency to be extreme leftist - almost identified as pro-North Korea.
I realized my mistrust stemmed from my education from early ages about anti-communism that dates even before she was born.

When I realized this my dark solid pit of the stomach energy evaporated.  Then I saw what was possible was to let go of my resentment and forgive like Nelson Mandela who said if you don't leave the resentment behind the prison, you'll never be a free man.

So Mandela wasn't just being a great man - and he is a great man - but really showing a way to a possibility for lightness that isn't normal, reasonable but clearing more powerful and even useful.

Peace and reconciliation was a possibility out of this realization.

What I am grateful for is that people like Sam and Magi who is making peace happen in the world.  So I am now powerful thrilled, excited and bold.

There was one other great thing that happened but I forgot.  Meanwhile the homework is to do a seaming collage with communism and communist.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dream journal

I had a dream that I was living in an old style house - lots of its part is made of wood.  There are many plants in the house and also calligraphy and oriental paintings.  There was a guy I had a crush on for a long time a long time ago and he was confessing he felt the same way.  Somebody was showing a picture that was in the family and it was considered family treasure - it was an oriental painting and it was like TV, the pictures were moving inside.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

5 more students this month!

I've had 3 adults for a few month, before that I had 2 students.  And on March 1, a new student signed up.  On 7 2 kids signed up.  This morning one kid signed up.  And it looks like I'll have an adult starting soon.

I am thinking this must be the Wand working.  I'm thrilled!

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Finding what was lost

In my dream this early morning, I was at Aunt En-Sil's.  There were things we left when we stayed there a long time ago.  Beautiful clothes, scarves - they all looked brand-new but I knew they belong to aunt and mom.  So I gathered them in my arms to take them with us.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dream of going back to work with a former employer

I had a dream that I went back to work for Storm and Chris.  It was fun and saw Lynn and those people I know.  It felt like a great idea until I found out I have to work till 7:30 p.m. every night.  So I was a bit disappointed.  But I'm not yet hired for certain.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The journey continues

As I received the tools, I also got a message from Venus, another lady who is hosting the chamber.  She says she's been having an intense experience since the chamber arrived.  She saw energy coming out of the chamber and her boyfriend who is more sensitive, said he saw two angels looking down at him and they wouldn't go away even after the light switch got turned on.

My aunt heard distinct foot steps outside her window the night before the chamber arrived.  Also she had a very nasty dream of chasing a monkey with bloody claws ready to attack her from behind.  In her dream, she and I were chasing after the beast and put a blanket over the beast but its hand was still sticking out and its hand turned into its head and we covered it up again.

I gave a session to my aunt and gave additional pointing and circling session with the flame of genesis and she said her elbows felt a lot better - smoother.  Had her use biotranslator for eyes, and she felt her eyes felt cooler.

I used the flame of genesis on my left knee.  I had a numb pain since I fell and the dull pain completely disappeared and I could even kneel and put my weight on it and don't feel pain anymore.  I also used the biotranslator for my eyes.  My eyes tend to get blurry and get watery.  And my eyes focused clearly during the whole day and felt cool.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New Journey - BioGenesis tools arrived on 18th of February

I received the order of the tools on the morning of the 18th.  For some reason I was so anxious for them to get here and as I opened up one at a time, I was in awe and felt the responsibility of owning such tools of ancient technology and power to heal myself and others.  I am still doubtful but somehow I feel I am destined for this.  Last night I had a dream.  I was held by a big/tall man who kissed me and lifted me up - light as a feather.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and enjoyed being like that.

This was a great experience and felt warm and welcomed.  This morning Min says she found another student to study with me.

Another thing is I am a bit overwhelmed to start treating - except for the dark blue progress wheel that I already put leather string around it to put around my neck.

Things are looking up!